Niroshan Padukka says that about 200 young trainees of the Air Force have been brought to Colombo to attack civilians who are protesting against the current regime.
It has been implemented by the Commander of the Air Force Sudharshana Pathirana on the instructions of Defense Secretary Kamal Gunaratne. He further stated that the youths were kept in shorts under the direction of Air Vice Marshal Janaka Amarasinghe and kept at the Air Force Gym near the Air Force Commander’s official residence.
However, during the protests, the three forces were detained for emergency operations. Even so, owning one is still beyond the reach of the average person. Also, if the trainees are detained here, they will not be given firearms. Therefore, we have already mentioned how the army can be deployed to use minimum force. We have reported it in the incident near Parliament. But must be properly dressed to the minimum force or deployment as required.
It is the responsibility of the Commander of the Air Force to deploy the detained troops in proper uniform if they are to be deployed for any duty. There is no reason for the high chairs to feel the current situation. They have no queues. They have no problems with cars, food. Therefore, instead of protecting civilians, it is their responsibility to attack them and prevent another massacre.
Had it not been for the Mirihana incident, there would have been ample opportunity for such protests and intimidation to take place today.
The Commander of the Air Force will have to take responsibility for any unidentified group attacking the public with sticks today or in the future.
However, the Secretary of Defense is also responsible for protecting the people. Then the Secretary of Defense has the responsibility to protect them in any way. He must therefore establish the army for emergency duties. It should be done with or without poles. It is the responsibility of the implementer to make it intelligent. Therefore, all those responsible must act with extreme caution. Sri Lanka is currently one of the top three countries in the international arena.
Therefore, it is necessary to perform our duties importantly and responsibly without creating another incident like Mirihana this time and without creating an incident like the Special Forces motorcyclists near the Parliament. Otherwise, the Sri Lankan security forces will be further discredited in the eyes of the international community. People will continue to suffer. It is the responsibility of all, from His Excellency the President onwards, to act wisely for the protection of all.